Aviation InterTec Services is a Canadian company in the aviation/airlines industry. Their headquarters is in Thunder Bay in Ontario.

Among the company’s specialties are aircraft data migration, project research and development and end user system training.



Aviation InterTec Services operates in the aviation industry. Their Remote Access Aviation System or RAAS was their flagship product. The company offers some of the best aviation maintenance management systems. Their solutions are easy to install and you get top class support. Their state-of-the-art and latest technology is a great improvement on other competitive products.

The company has many years of experience in the industry, having been founded in 1997. The company provides software solutions that are highly advanced with a great degree of function. Their browser-based products for aviation maintenance management is considered world class. Their solutions are also cost- effective.


Company Mission

Aviation InterTec Services’ mission is to provide their clients with information and works management systems that are not only competitive by highly functional. Their solutions help clients all over the world. The company’s intention is to have their products and services offer a clear value for the future.



Some of the services offered by Aviation InterTec Services include cloud hosting and disaster recovery protection, aircraft data migration, end-user system training, implementation project management and project research & development.



This is the company’s flagship product which clients find easy to use. It is an inventory management and maintenance support system. Continuous use of this solution helps to reduce maintenance costs. One reason is because it reduces clerical manpower requirements. It also has a program management and auditing inspection program that is exceptional.



To find out more on how the company can help your business with their tailored solutions, please call 1- 807-625-9260 or email them at info@aviationintertec.com. The company provides solutions for commercial, rotary, small fixed wing operators and for CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation).