Hundreds of people in Canada get hurt each day. Some get hurt badly enough that they are unable to function well and perform work duties. Individuals who suffer gravely due to accidents often seek out personal injury claims against those who hurt them. If you or your loved one has been injured, your lives can change drastically.

There are issues and problems other than physical injury due to an accident, like emotional strain and mental concerns that you and your dear ones may have to suffer. It is best to consult a personal injury lawyer to ensure that you are properly compensated for such situations.

One of the most important things you have to do is to understand what personal injury case you are involved in. Let’s take a look at some of the most common personal injury cases faced by many people in Canada.

1. Vehicle Accidents

Such cases may not just involve injuries from collisions. It may also include those that involve pedestrians and cyclists. The number of these types of accidents continues to rise because of added driving distractions today. There are a number of factors causing these. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Reckless driving
  • Road rage
  • Disobedience in traffic laws and signals
  • Over speeding
  • Distracted drivers
  • Driver fatigue
  • Drunk driving
  • Driver involved in drugs
  • Design defects
  • Road conditions

Once you are involved in a car or vehicle accident, immediately see a doctor, even if you think you are feeling fine. Sometimes, signs and symptoms can occur many hours later. Then, make sure that you contact a reliable personal injury lawyer to handle your case.

2. Medical Malpractice

Another common personal injury case today is medical malpractice. This typically involves improper diagnosis, treatment mistakes and lack of informed consent that can include treatment against the will of a patient, an emergency exception or a uniformed patient.

3. Slip & Fall Accidents

Otherwise known as public liability and negligence, these types of accidents involve injuries that usually happen because of negligence for safety in an area, usually a public place. Such cases will focus the liability on public businesses, such as an agency, a private business, organization or government.

According to the law, the owners of public and private properties are obligated legally to take all the essential steps when it comes to keeping their property safe. These types of accidents can happen to anyone anywhere.

4. Dog Bites

In many cases, dog owners are financially liable for the bites or any injuries caused by their dog. The exact laws on the responsibility of the owner may vary from city to city but stringent liability rules exist in some cases. Dog owners are going to be liable for the damages.

Being involved in an accident is one of the most horrible experiences you’ll probably have in your life. Aside from the physical pain or damage, you will also have to deal with mental, social and emotional issues as a result of the trauma and other issues associated with the accident. It is best to consult your personal injury lawyer immediately for help as soon as possible.