Quality Affordable Pest Control is an expert in pest extermination. They provide both residential and commercial services. Their technicians are highly trained and receive their qualifications from the University of Guelph. They are also licensed and insured. They have the experience in dealing with a large number of pests.

Pest Control

Quality Affordable Pest Control provides animal removal from your property, This is done humanely so that the animal in question is not harmed. The company is also eco-friendly and uses safer methods in dealing with pests.

These methods are very effective and will help to keep your family and your pets safe. Even though they provide a high level of service, their prices are quite affordable.


Fumigation is one of the services that is offered to residential clients. This can get rid of many different pests at the same time and keep things under control. The company can offer expert advice so that your home will not be inundated with pests.

The process requires the occupants and their pets to be away from the premises for about 3 hours. After this, everyone, including pets, can return safely.


If your home or commercial property is home to some wildlife, Quality Affordable Pest Control can help to remove these animals safely. The animals will be removed and will not be hurt.

Some of the animals that the company can help you get rid of include pigeons, starlings, house sparrows, raccoons, squirrels and more.


If you need help with your pest problem and need a company with a proven record, please contact Quality Affordable Pest Control at 1-800-726-3913.