Payday loans are an easy and quick way to get money when you need some extra cash. Because they’re designed to help people with short-term money needs, there are several benefits to taking out a payday loan versus other loan types. This article takes a look at the top five benefits of payday loans, as well as how and where to get them so you can get your hands on some fast cash.

1. They are Simple

If you need cash, a payday loan can be your best bet. You typically don’t have to provide any documentation. Plus, if you get approved for a loan, it comes with an interest rate that’s considerably lower than many other credit-based products. All you need is proof of employment to secure one. If your paycheck was deposited into your account electronically in advance, you could receive funds within 24 hours or so.

2. Fast Processing Time

One reason that people love a payday loan is that they are fast and efficient. You can get approved for a loan in 15 minutes, and you will have your money in hand within 24 hours. The application process is online, so you won’t have to wait weeks for your money. This means that you can take care of any financial needs that are pressing quickly. There is no need to wait around when getting what you need from a lender who has your back.

3. They Offer Convenience

If you are in a financial bind and need cash fast, it’s probably going to be your first instinct to head down to your bank or credit union and withdraw a few hundred dollars. But, depending on how much you need, that could mean waiting in line for hours, if not longer. In comparison, online payday loans are available whenever it’s convenient for you, day or night. Just visit online lenders’ websites, fill out an application and wait for the approval. Then, select when you want your money deposited into your checking account. Online lenders are typically more flexible with repayment options too. To learn more, visit the SpeedyCash website for their resources.

4. They Do Not Require Collateral

These loans do not require any type of collateral, which means they can be obtained even if you have no assets. Most other loan types require you to put up something valuable as collateral so that in case you default on your payments; your creditor can sell off your property and get their money back.

5. They Help Build Your Credit Score

Getting a loan can help improve your credit score, which is especially useful for young people with little to no credit history. Loans like these also help you build a credit history, which shows lenders that you can responsibly manage money and pay off your debts on time. The better your credit score and credit history, the more likely you will qualify for future types of financing such as car loans or mortgages. And if there’s one reason to get a short-term loan today, it might be so that you have better options tomorrow.